Friday, October 24, 2008

you know, dolls make the very best friends.

dress / erin fetherston for target
tights / express

shoes / f21

[Sara just met her new doll, Emily]

Capt. Crewe: You know, dolls make the very best friends. Just because they can't speak doesn't mean they don't listen. And did you know that when we leave them alone in our room, they come to life?
Sara Crewe: They do?
Capt. Crewe: Yes! But before we walk in and catch them, they return to their place as quick as lightning!
Sara Crewe: Why don't they come to life in front of us so we can see them?
Capt. Crewe: Because it's magic. Magic has to be believed. It's the only way it's real.


do you remember your favorite doll and the magical world you lived in ?

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